Sunday 6 December 2020

English classes

 I never had the opportunity to have face to face English classes at university, so I don't know how those classes were like. But I have to confess that taking online English classes were my favorite part of the day, because I always wanted to learn English and I love talk in English instead of just writing and repeat words like when I was at the school.

Also I think I have some weaknesses on my vocabulary and on my English speaking because of how my teacher taught me at school, if that weren't like that, I probably could speak more fluent and with more confident on myself. But I'm sure I can improve myself and speak like I always wanted.

Outside the English class I'm always singing songs in English and trying to understand what the singer is saying while I repeat that. The other thing I do is see movies and series in English and try not to read the subtitles and just pay attention of what the people are saying. Doing those things have help me a lot! Also it has been more easier to me to read papers in English...

After this English course I want to still improving my English and do the TOEFL test!


 I really like video games! I mostly play a lot of kind of video games, but I'm very bad at "shooters" games, where you have to kill the opponent by shooting him, so I better prefer those adventure video games that have a history and all kind of challenges like Skyrim. Also I really enjoy strategy video games, it has a lot of tricky mazes that you have to solve. I love those challenges!

The other type of video game that I like are "simulation games". In this video games you have a kind of virtual life, where you can do mostly whatever you want using an avatar that you create. The avatar is the character that you use in video games. For example Sims.

I enjoy fighting games too! Maybe they are a little bit violent but are very fun.😅 I like these ones, because you can play with more people online or in real life! Also you can practice your competition skills and be a good looser sometimes and not be angry with that.

If do you like video games like me, I recommend you to go to Insert Coin Bar, a bar where you can play video games! 👾

Thursday 19 November 2020

Permaculture Paradise

 How to build a permaculture paradise?

At first you have to condition the soil to plant cover crop seeds. This type of crops are going to add nitrogen to the soil and make it more fertile. Then this crops are going to grow and you will see nodules of Rhizobium bacteria on their roots. In that moment you'll have to chop and drop those plants to introduce the nitrogen to the soil for the fruit tree crops and other crops you'll want to cultivate... 

Remember, it's very important the diversity of plants on permaculture, so you have to cultivate mixture of trees and vegetables, and put them a bamboo stick to recognize what kind of crop is.

Finally, the soil will getting richer with organic matter and then in 1 year or 2 you are going to have total control of the soil and in 6 years you'll have a stable system with production that maintenance on their own... 

This type of system is very ecological and friendly with nature, so I think it's a very good option for us. Also, I think it's very possible to use this system in Chile, because it's a food producer country!!

Friday 6 November 2020


Hi! Today I'm going to talk about how has my life been in quarantine...

At the beginning of this it was very scary because nobody knew what kind of virus it could be and there was little information about it. I remember that I started with severe headaches and I was very nervous because any symptom could be Covid! That headaches lasted about 3 days and after that I felt fine.

I think the headaches started because I couldn't believe that I would be ALL THE QUARANTINE with my noisy family all day and all the week! 😂 I had to admit that if it hadn't been for Javiera, my neighbor, it wouldn't be so easy. Her family always protected themselves like as well us, so we got together every week.

Two months later my sister came to live with my family and it has been very difficult to us because our apartment is for 4 people and with her we are 5! So my brother is sharing his bedroom with her and none of them feel comfortable. I hope we can move to another house soon... 😩

Thursday 29 October 2020

My first concert

The best concert I've ever attended was a Green Day concert in 2010. It was at Estadio Bicentenario in Santiago. I was 11 years old and it was my first concert in my life. Also Green Day was my favourite band in that time! So I was really excited to go to. 

I remember that I arrived at the stadium very early because I had tickets to the standing area and I wanted to be as close as possible to the stage. That was a very silly decision! Because when the stadium opened all the people started to run to the front of the stage and I couldn't reach them and I had to stay in the middle of the standing area. It was a very hot day so when Green Day came out, they started to throw water to the public and everyone went crazy and started to jump! Then Billie Joe, the singer, started to sing. I screamed and sang all their songs that day! I’ll never forget it. 💚💚

Friday 16 October 2020

Countries I'd like to visit

I always want to travel around the world. So the first place that I'd like to travel would be Egipt. I always been attracted to that country because of the culture, the pyramids and their reality. One day I told to my mom that I really wanted to travel there and she said that I was made in Egipt! It was curious because I have some kind of connection with that place and I don't even knew it.

The other country that I'd really want to go is Japan. I have seen a lot of videos of people going there and the places look amazing!! The cities, the food and the culture are very special and I'm very curious to know it! The other reason that I want to travel to Japan it's because I love anime and a lot of places in Japan are represented in animes that I have seen.

I hope I can travel soon, I just need the enough money!! 😋😋


Sunday 2 August 2020

Graduation Party

This photo it was taken at the day of my 4th grade graduation at high school. It's my favourite photo because there's the most important part of my family and all of them have a big smile on their faces 💖. From left to right you can see my dad, Gustavo, my ex boyfriend, Cristóbal (I wish have this photo without him!! 😅 but I still remember him with love), then it's me in the middle, my mom, Patricia, and my stepfather, Víctor. That night we had an amazing dinner. Then we had a special dancing with my dad and stepfather and at the end we were a little bit drunk and we dance all night with my friends and family. The party finished at 4 am and everyone went home. Everybody really enjoyed that night, it was amazing.

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Pop girl

Hi everyone! Today I'm going to tell you what it's my favourite music. Every time that people ask me this it's always hard to tell, because there's a lot of types of music and I love the most of them. But my favourite type of music is POP and all of it's variety... Electro pop, K-pop, Punk pop, Dance pop, Latin pop, etc. My favourites pop bands are Blondie, Dua Lipa, Calvin Harris, Sam Smith and Daft Punk. Also I love rock! Since I was a child I always really enjoyed rock, specially the rock of the 80's. My favourite rock bands are Green Day, Lucybell, Tronic and Dance Gavin Dance, and my favourite 80's rock bands are INXS, New Order and Guns N' Roses. I love listening to music, I think is what I do the most, when I'm cooking, studying, even when I'm bathing! Music is life. I can't imagine my life without it.

Friday 10 July 2020

My favourite piece of technology

Hi everyone! Today I want to talk about my favourite piece of technology. The one of my favourites are cellphones. I think my cellphone is indispensable for me, because I can use it to talk with my friends and family. Also I can use it to play video-games, listening to music, and see social networks like What'sApp, Instagram, and Facebok. The best thing you can do it's do some home-works from university using word or excel! It's an amazing tool for having fun and work. The other things that I like of my cellphone it's that I have my own calendar with all the things I have to do and, my cellphone reminds me those things. So it's great for forgetful people like me!
I hope you enjoy cellphones like I do. If you want to contact me, just send me a text message. 💝

Wednesday 8 July 2020

How I chose my career

Hi everyone! Today I'm going to tell you how I chose my career...
When I was a child I always wanted to be a doctor. All of my family knew that and they always supported me. When I was in high-school I went to a vocational program of health areas at Universidad Católica. After that I realized that be a doctor wasn't my real calling. So then I had a vocational crisis because I didn't know what I really wanted to be. Finally, with the help of my dad, I found what was my calling and that was associated to help to reduce the contamination of our planet. That's why I decided to study Engineering in Natural Renewable Resources. I love it! 💚🌱
At the future I would like to have a job related to water resources or maybe renewable energies at the Ministry of Environment!

Saturday 16 May 2020

My Autobiography

My name is Sofía Roa and I'm 21 years old, i was born in Santiago. Actually I'm in third year studying Engineering in Renewable Natural Resources, i love it!
I live with my mom, stepfather (both Computers expert) and, with my stepbrother. In this quarantine it has been a kind of crazy living together 24 hours 7 days at the week!
My parents divorced when I was 6, but they get along well with each other and that's fantastic. Now I really miss my dad, because we can't see us very often because of the quarantine. He's an Agricultor and I really admire him, he has inspired me in most of the things that I do.
I also have a dog, her name is Dominga, and she's 9 years old and now she's having some problems in her spine. This time in quarantine it has helped me a lot to take care of her with her disease.
The things that I like to do is listening to music, learn about everything, I'm a very curious person and do Tae kwon do, I'm closely to reach the black belt!

I hope you'll enjoy my autobiography and ask me something if you want to down below!


English classes

 I never had the opportunity to have face to face English classes at university, so I don't know how those classes were like. But I have...